Saturday, February 23, 2019

New Google Chrome updates | Google Chrome will send alert when password is hacked.

Google has announced two new tools to further strengthen the security of users' passwords. This is New Google Chrome update. You can use these features by giving data to Google. If you do not want to try them, you can use the prevailing method, like creating unique passwords for each website, changing exposed passwords and opening 2FA for websites that support them. Know about these tools-

Google Chrome update | Google Chrome will send alert when password is hacked.

1. Password checkup

This is an extension of Google Chrome. If your password exposes to a third party data breech, it will give you an alert when recognizing it yourself. When you install this Google Chrome extension, any login details you use will be checked with a database of 4 billion breached usernames and passwords.

2. Cross account protection

This feature has been brought to the safety of the app. If a user's account has been hacked, then a notification from Google will be sent to all the applications and websites logged in to its Google account so that they can be saved from exposure.

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